Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tour to Heaven

Human Being - Darminto M Sudarmo

Creating Digital Painting is Easy and Fun!

Kastil - Darminto M Sudarmo

Honestly, creating ideas on digital painting media is something new and fun. Darminto (painter and writer)  is sure that everyone can do it, even if they have only a few skill in art. So, why don't you start to try it as soon as possible? Let's see the Darminto's works all; they seem like drawing or creating a digital painting art is really easy and fun.
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Pablo Picasso - Pioneer of Cubism

Postage stamp, USSR, 1973. Picasso has been honored on stamps worldwide.

By Dorothy Gauvin

'There is no new thing under the sun.'
This was the decision of Ecclesiastes, described in the Bible as a Preacher and a son of David, who was the second Jewish king. By this reckoning, Ecclesiastes had a vast history of human works to draw on, in the order of three thousand years of Art-making.
So, it would be understandable if he could find no new thing in the world of his time. All things had already been thought and said, everything done and made. Perhaps this piece of writing, this story, told and retold down the centuries is the source of our modern obsession with novelty.
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Interesting Facts About Pablo Picasso That You Never Knew!

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907
By Brent Tan

Baby Picasso was almost stillborn.
When Picasso was born, the midwife thought that he was stillborn and left him on the pediatrician table! However, the "miracle" occurred when midwife went to Picasso's mother to inform her of this sad news. Another amazing fact-Pablo's uncle was an attending physician and delivered the baby. Actually, Dr Don Salvador is widely credited with saving the life of baby Picasso.
Baby Picasso's First Spoke the Word 'Pencil'!
The early years of Picasso were filled with wonder and education! He first spoke the word "piz", which means pencil in English. This was maybe the clue about the future career path and occupation of young Picasso, and was a big and clear label on his back as a future artist.
Picasso's First Oil Painting.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top 10 Most Famous Artists in History

Pablo Picasso, self portrait
By Parker Holden

No two people will agree on the top ten most famous and influential artists, since every person has his or her own view of what type of painting is the most articulate. Every art lover sees each painting in their own way, so that any list is purely subjective. Here is a compilation that will cover some of the most famous artists:

1. Pablo Picasso is widely accepted as the most influential artist of his time, with a unique style and an ambitious attitude. It is widely believed that he surpassed the masters who came before him, and he defined the concept of art as it would be known.
2. The "Mona Lisa" secured Leonardo da Vinci as the creator of the painting that is more well-known than any other. Others have often attempted to imitate his style and stroke, with no success. He was an artist and a humanist.
3. Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous names in any study of art. He suffered a great deal in his life, and his paintings reflect the pain with their personal look. He was a great influence on the painters of the twentieth century.